How to add images

How to add images in your table

Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will show you how to add images in your table.

To add an image, you need to add the urls of the images in the spreadsheet. There is no special requirement that you need to follow, however here is an example of how the image urls are added in the spreadsheet (column B).

In the editor, double click the table Widget and the Settings will open. In the Data tab, click the "Col. Special Formatting".

Next, select the column that contains your link. In our case, this will be column B. As soon as we click on Link, the column B will transform into a link column.

We can further select a couple of formatting options for our link by clicking "Edit rows & columns layout".

To use your own images, you will first need to upload them into the Wix Media Manager. Once an image is uploaded, here is how you can get the absolute url of the image that needs to be added in the Google Sheet.

For any other questions, please contact us on chat.

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